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Opening hours

Opening hours for The Hanseatic Museum and Schøtstuene.

June - September

Daily 10AM - 5PM
Guided tour in English at 12AM, 14AM and 16AM every day
Deutsche Führung jeden Tag um 11 Uhr
Visite guidée en français 15h tous les jours


Daily 10AM - 5PM
Guided tour in English at 12AM and 15AM every day

February - April

Daily 11AM - 3PM
Guided tour in English at 12AM every Saturday and Sunday


Saturday and Sunday 11AM - 3PM
Guided tour in English at 12AM every Saturday and Sunday

October - December

Daily 11AM - 3PM
Guided tour in English at 12AM every Saturday and Sunday

Museum24:Portal - 2024.09.04
Grunnstilsett-versjon: 2